Toyota Innova

Toyota Innova

Air condition

The Toyota Innova has 1 Diesel Engine and 1 Petrol Engine on offer. The Diesel engine is 2494 cc while the Petrol engine is 1998 cc . It is available with Manual transmission. Depending upon the variant and fuel type the Innova has a mileage of 11.4 to 12.99 kmpl & Ground clearance of Innova is 176mm. The Innova is a 8 seater 4 cylinder car and has length of 4585mm, width of 1760mm and a wheelbase of 2750mm.

The rent process went smoothly and effortlessly for us. Thank you for your amazing service and for cars!

Jessica Wang

Definitely the best in this service! I appreciate how you made my trip enjoyable and more comfortable!

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